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The HR Department plays a very important role in an organization’s growth journey. Making agility an element of the HR function helps to make an organization’s culture a responsive one.
An organization that has incorporated the element of agility will be dynamic and can quickly change directions at ease, and an Agile HR Department needs to be responsive to the needs of such an organization.

Here are 5 things you must know about Agile HR:

  1. Small Team Size
    Keeping the size of the team small, makes it easier to manage and thus makes it efficient and quick to respond to requests.
  2. Frequency of Meetings
    Assess the time spent on several meetings through the date and eliminate those that aren’t necessary. A quick stand-up meeting to stay up to date on the team’s tasks and status should give the necessary information to keep pace with the tasks. Time wasted on meetings can be used to be more productive and to get things done, saving time.
  3. Strive for Optimum Solutions, not Perfect Solutions
    Always stay on the move and strive for Optimum Solutions. When time is spent on striving for perfection, it is time wasted, because the world would have moved on and the obtained solution will no longer be a perfect one.
  4. Keep the Perspective Fresh
    Perception is reality and it is very crucial to have a fresh perspective on matters to stay agile. While the team is small and there is a factor of familiarity between team members, it is essential to have a young professional who can offer fresh inputs.
  5. SCRUM
    Break down the basics from the home of SCRUM on The key here is to have a clear set goal, ensure that the team works in short sprints of a duration of 2 to 4 weeks. Once the goal is achieved, the teams can discuss the approach used and the lessons learned to incorporate best practices for the next sprint.


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